And boy do we have a lot of congratulating to do! Let's start with Somerset Holidays & Celebrations. On the cover is a project done by Heather Mellstrom. She is a busy lady but has promised to come teach soon. Heather is also on page 40 with her project "My Heart Has Wings". It's a four page spread so that deserves a huge congratulations! And there's more. Heather is on page 52 with her cover project "Love Notes". Two full pages for that one!
Next on page 64 is our very own Judy Bidwell with her "Love Notes" project. This is a personal favorite because our store challenged Judy to do this project. She did a beautiful job!
We also have two customers that are published in this magazine. Congratulations to Sophann Schleifer. Her "Noel" project got a spot on the cover and her instructions are printed on page 34.
Shannon Sawyers gorgeous "Celebration Tags" project is featured on four pages starting on page 122. Congratulations to both of you!
The next round of congratulations is for everyone published in the September/October issue of Somerset Studios. Let's start on page 10. Quinn McDonald has been writing an article in each Somerset Studio for quite some time now. She is an artist, writer, teacher, and certified creativity coach. And she is going to teach here at Mystic Paper! We will start with a Creative Journaling class. The date hasn't been finalized yet, but we'll get the information out to all of you soon.
On page 36 you will find one of our favorite gals Carlene Federer with "A Poe Halloween". Four full pages of wonderful Halloween projects. Carlene is another talented lady that will be teaching here. Again, the date hasn't been finalized, but trust us, when it is you all will know about it!
On page 100 guess who? Judy Bidwell again! This is her "Awaiting Halloween" project that some of you were lucky enough to have taken this class last year. So cute on that lil' rustic hanger. Turn the page to 102 and there's Judy again with her "Paper Bag Costume".
Wow! Congratulations to all of you. Doesn't Arizona have an amazing amount of talented artists? And we are so fortunate to have so many of you teaching here!
Ah thanks you guys ;)!!! And I do PROMISE that I will come teach....and soon!
I miss you all..
Congrats! That's awesome! LenaS
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