Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Crazy Shop Hours!

Shop Hours for THIS WEEK!
Wednesday & Thursday Hours:
10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Friday & Saturday
10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

We have strange hours this week due to a few things~
But the most exciting reason is for the UNVEILING of the NEW section of the shop!
We have pushed and pulled product around and moved stuff (you all know I like to move stuff)

Stay tuned for more info!


Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Can't wait to see! Sounds as if I need to take a field trip!

Unknown said...

Hey Jennifer....can't wait to see the changes! You know I love all of that stuff! Are you going to be getting in the October Afternoon Cakewalk line? If so I want one of least! Let me know! See you soon! Happy Easter my friend! Hugs, Sandy

Jennifer said...

Thanks guys! Sandy, I will look into the OA papers.

The Paper Store and More said...

Nice Blog..Thank you..Thank you for Sharing......