Just for our customers!
Since we don't have the space to carry all of Tim's wonderful products, we want to know what items you really want in the shop. There are too many to choose from isn't there?
Click on the Tim Holtz Catalog below and you can print out your order form.
Bring your completed order form into Mystic Paper by this Saturday, April 30th and you will receive 10% DISCOUNT!
How cool is that?

Here is the fine print:
1. Your order form must be printed, completely filled out and returned to us by Saturday, April 30th.
2. We can only accept VISA or Mastercard.
3. Your order must be pre-paid to receive your 10% DISCOUNT.
4. Deadline is April 30th, no exceptions.
5. We do not have a catalog in the shop, you're on your own this time.
6. Out of Staters...I'm sure we can think of something to get you this deal as well. If you have any questions please email me~jennifer@mysticpaper.com and I can send you our fax number and other details.