A Mystic paper Shout Out!We've been noticing lately just how many of our customers, friends, and teachers are being published in these wonderful magazines. Congratulations to all of you!
On page 130 of Somerset Life sweetie pie
Carlene Federer added Creative Living Idea #23 to the publication. Two full pages devoted to Carlene's colorful idea!

And look who's in Somerset Memories...
Page 16...
Carlene again! She submitted a collage to their Faux Family Album call for creations. Her collage is all about love and was deservedly chosen.
Page 62 - Shannon Sawyer. Shannon created a mixed media collage in honor of her mother. Truly an amazing work of art.
Page 78 -
Carol Wingert. Carol created an 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 layout entitled "The Writing on the Wall. Carol is an incredible artist and we love it when she comes to visit!!
Page 81 - Our very own
Judy Bidwells creation for Sew Somerset was not only published in Sew Somerset but they chose it to advertise the magazine. How's that for a compliment!

Somerset Studio published Carolyn Addie. She created a canvas project that is simply beautiful. You can find it on page 109!

There you have it! All of the wonderful customers, friends, and teachers that have been recognized by all of the Somerset publications. Congratulations to all of you! And of course, you can pick up all of these magazines at Mystic Paper!